[Book Review] The Hemlock Queen by Hannah Whitten

Title: The Hemlock Queen
Author: Hannah Whitten
Genre: Fantasy Fiction, High fantasy, Romance novel, Romantic Fantasy, Dark Fantasy
Release: April 2024
Price: e-book (eng) 13.29€ | Paperback (eng) 10.99€ (all via amazon)

Bewertung: 5 von 5.
cicuta maculata (wild hemlock) via Wikipedia

If you wish to read a review of the first book, please read The Foxglove King review here.

Bastian is crowned Sainted King with Lore by his side as deathwitch. While at first things seem to go well, Lore starts to dream again and starts to hear a voice in her head.
As it turns out, the Goddes Nyxara lives in her as much as the God of life Apollius lives in Bastian. But unlike Nyxara, Apollius tries to drown Bastian out who clings to his body like a drowning rat.

As usual, the world-building is delicious. The twists and turns are wonderfully written and the reveal of things is done so gracefully that you can’t stop reading just to see if your own suspicion was correct. Further, the Love between the three main characters is going further and deeper and I can understand how Lore can’t pick between the two men. Gabe is this stoic yet firey Priest Exalted (aka big church boss, bc he got promoted) and Bastian is this bubbly, yet dangerous King that has to fight off a whole ass god in his mind (which goes just more or less successful).
I also really started to love Malcolm, who we met in book one and who has a bigger role in book two. There will be a book three and I am sure some things I’ve theories about will come to pass.
If you really love politics vs religion, wonderful world-building and amazingly written characters, you should give the Nightshade Crown trilogy a go.

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