The Surprising Similarities Between Songwriting and Writing Fiction

If, by any chance, you are a vivid reader of this blog, you know I love music and with that comes my love for lyrics. In other posts, I have mentioned multiple times that lyrics are literature and today we will take a closer look at the similarities between songwriting and writing fiction.

Photo by Mu00e9line Waxx on

In creative writing, songwriting and writing fiction may look like two different worlds. If we, however, look closer, it becomes clear that there are many surprising similarities between the two.
For one, there is the most obvious similarity: Storytelling. For both, storytelling is essential for a good outcome. Both require careful attention to plot, character development, and emotional resonance to captivate and engage the audience.
Second: the use of imagery and metaphor. The best stories, no matter if just 3 minutes or a thousand pages long should keep the recipient hooked. For that, the writer uses metaphors and word games, wonderful rich language and tries to create an immersive experience.
Finally, both songwriting and fiction writing requires a certain level of vulnerability and emotional honesty. In order to create truly meaningful and impactful work, the writer must be willing to dig deep and explore their own emotions and experiences. Often, song lyrics are more vulnerable than novels, for in a novel, the author can hide between multiple characters. This can be a challenging and sometimes uncomfortable process, but it is often what separates great writing from mediocre writing.

Overall, while songwriting and fiction writing may seem like very different pursuits, they share many surprising similarities. Whether you are a musician or a novelist, there is much to learn from each other’s craft and techniques.

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